Tag Archives: orson scott card

Honesty Time: This Awards Post is Ridiculously Long

16 Aug

I’ve been nominated for several awards since I started this blog, butttt I procrastinated a lot on doing them. Sorry!!! But I really, really appreciate the nominations, it means a lot to me knowing that my blog is read and enjoyed by awesome people 🙂 Warning, this post is a bit of a novel!  Continue reading

Rereading Ender’s Game

15 Jul

Since my success with The Phantom Tollbooth, I’ve been on a mission to reread my childhood favorites. Sure, the vocabularly might not earn them a high Lexile score, or whatever system is used to gauge my suggested reading level, but I loved them nevertheless. Today’s choice is Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card.
I was overjoyed (I actually squealed) to learn that the movie will be released in the U.S. in November, so rereading the book was high on my summer priority list, topping lie around and gather dust by a slim margin.
I’ve halfway through it and loving it so far. It’s one of those books that doesn’t wholly fit into one genre, and can be read and enjoyed and understood differently by readers of any age. I’m actually beginning to comprehend the political undercurrents when before I spent the read giggling at how many times Card used the word “fart.” I was a mature one, no doubt about it.
I’d be happy to review it once I finish, just say the word.