Archive | December, 2014

Another Variation of Blue Liner

31 Dec

Hey there friends. There should be blue eyeliner rehab. I could definitely benefit from it.

blue wings

My shirt, as you may have seen on my Instagram (to the right to the right mhmm yeah look over there) says “If you can’t handle me at my fallen angel, you don’t deserve me at my savior of all mankind.” Supernatural reference, yo. Thanks, Bef.

So yeah, makeup. I decided to color in my entire lid like a five-year old with a coloring book. Fun fact: I spent an hour yesterday coloring various pictures of Olivia the Pig.

blue wings 3

The fact that it transferred to my upper eyelid bugged me to no end. X-(

blue wings 4

I could wear this look every day. It made me feel so powerful.

blue wings 2

Products used:

♦ Makeup Geek Gel Liner in Electric

♦ Urban Decay Electric Palette: Chaos

♦ L’Oreal Voluminous Miss Manga Mascara (this got better as it dried, I swear)

♦ Revlon Lip Butter in Sugar Plum

Thoughts? Happy almost New Year, everyone! Any resolutions? Personally, I’m not about that life. Do what you want and damn the consequences, or something.


Follow me around! I post a bunch of blog previews and other neat junk.

♦ Instagram @eyehavealotoffeelings

♦ Twitter @olivesfeelings

Reverse Jewel-Toned Liner (With Real Jewels!)

28 Dec

Hey there friends. I did a fun makeup look for school last week and wanted to share it with ya’ll, ’cause you’re my favorites.

jewel reverse liner 2

I also decided to try a lighter brow pencil to see if it would make my face look softer or whatever. It looks a bit cray (say it with me: CRAY) in the closeups but it wasn’t bad from farther away. I think I’ll stick with intense angry eyebrows for now.

jewel reverse liner

What do you think of the little gem? People said I looked like I was crying from far away, but I was in school at the time, so the confusion is understandable.

Products used:

♦ Urban Decay Electric Palette

♦ Jane Cosmetics Water-Resistant Eye Liners in Aqua and Lime Green

♦ Physicians Formula Eye Booster

♦ Craft store gems



Follow me around! I post a bunch of blog previews and other neat junk.

♦ Instagram @eyehavealotoffeelings

♦ Twitter @olivesfeelings

Frost Fairy

26 Dec

Hey there friends. I was a frost fairy for Christmas.

frost fairy 7

I’ve been feeling for a while that I haven’t done a proper winter look for y’all. Like an all-out, sparkly-eyebrows-and-rhinestones winter makeup look. And then a couple of my favorite youtubers went and did fairy tutorials, so obviously I had to hop on the bandwagon. So, uh, here you are with that.  Continue reading