Tag Archives: flash gordon inspired makeup

Flash Gordon Lip Art

11 Aug

Hey there friends. Instagram challenges make me do weird things.

flash gordon 2

Confession time, though: I’ve never seen the movie. I’m just familiar with the character and I’m kinda a sucker for anything superheroes.

flash gordon 3

Things I must practice: not getting lipgloss on my teeth. Yeah, no, they’re just naturally gold-reflecting. Totes normal. No lipgloss here.DSC08162

I did another lip art a couple days after this one, and boy, I really overdrew my top lip. I’m just telling you this in advance so you can prepare for the lulz. It did look neato at the time though, so I let it be magnificently huge.flash gordon

Thoughts? I won’t bother listing products but if you have a queeeeestion, just ask 🙂

xx Olive


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